Bento: Ricey

Some weeks you just get to a weird theme (or really, a rut) which is why this week there is just so much rice going on. Especially in the winter it’s hard to resist the siren song of carbs but hopefully next week will be more interesting carbs at least!

15203137_10104152334889533_2671493387849296002_nLeftovers from Georgian restaurant (minced chicken liver with spices, cheese dumpling), rye bread, side salad 15181247_10104152334884543_1509127191640681029_nVegetable Quiche, Salad, Grapes 15326332_10104152334879553_3051293023154251565_nHoney and Soy Chicken, Rice, Green Beans with Yellow Pepper, Apple 15202626_10104152334959393_8340880191209010359_nChickpea and Vegetable Curry, Rice, Side Salad 15326601_10104152334954403_4955144739069336825_nTrash Casserole, Salad

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