Meta: Recipe Collection

Since we’re busy packing and about to move in our new place we’re cleaning out our fridge which means a lot of stir fry, omelets, and eating very boring food!

There’s plenty of recipes that I went to try when I move in to the new place though and since the cooking has been boring, at least the linking can be interesting (I hope!). Expect a menu and CSA report on Tuesday like usual though <3

Lemon Risotto – I have a weakness for risotto and haven’t made it in a while. I will probably change up the veggies in this recipe and maybe the flavors but this looks pretty solid and easy.

Enchiladas – I have never eaten or made these – yikes! I’m definitely over due on that.

Carrot and Chicken Stew – We get fantastic carrots in tons of varieties from our CSA and this sounds like a great way to them all.

Chicken Tortilla Soup – Just looks heavenly doesn’t it? Nice and cozy!

May add more to this list over the next few days but those are my culinary plans so far. ’til next time!

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