Menu: Skipped One

Despite the fact that menu take literally 10 minutes to post somehow last week I forgot to post one. I’m just going to let that go gently and wave goodbye to it because it was a fairly boring week anyway with only one new recipe. Because of that I decided to make this week a little more exciting though.

Saturday leftovers from the past week
out @ ??

Sunday pancakes and eggs
baked chicken tenders with green beans and tomatoes

Monday Eggy Breakfast Wrap, candided sweet potatoes, fruit
vegetable yakisoba

Tuesday homemade spaghetti-o’s with mini meatballs, white bread, spinach salad
homemade pizza

Wednesday creamy mac and cheese with spinach, apple, coleslaw
baked chicken tenders with green beans and tomatoes, salad, apple

Thursday out with coworkers
creamy mac and cheese with spinach

Friday vegetable yakisoba, plums, miso soup
homemade spaghettios, bread

Things to Make

Homemade Spaghetti-Os
Baked Chicken Tenders Tray
candided sweet potato
lavash egg wrap
mac and cheese
vegetable yakisoba

Shopping List

chicken breast
green beans
cherry tomatoes
sweet potatoes
turkey (ground)
white bread
pasta sauce
canned tomato puree x 2
cheddar cheese
yakisoba noodles
frozen veg
coleslaw mix

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