We’ll be back from Pittsburgh by the time this gets posted but since I will likely be exhausted from our trip and we won’t be able to do a full shopping before the next week this menu is largely simple food and not the world’s healthiest menu either but definitely leans on the time saving aspects in the supermarket.
lunch: minestrone, carrots and hummus
dinner: pizza
lunch: salad w/ boiled egg, apple
dinner: pancakes and eggs
lunch: Piroshki
dinner: Frozen Mushroom Ravioli
lunch: BBQ chicken (crockpot) + steam veg
dinner: cup lasanga
lunch: Piroshki
dinner: BBQ chicken + cornbread
There’s no prep since we’ll be getting home at 7pm on Sunday and I’ll probably just pick up a few things (milk, hummus, fruit) to fill in the holes in our pantry.